Hello one and all,
I am sorry that I really haven't had a chance to update until now! I have not been in in access to internet for more than a couple of minutes and it is usually not on a computer, it is usually on a mobile device. We have been BUSY here in Masaya, Nicaragua! That's where I am, by the way! If you don't already know about this, look at my previous blog posts.
God is good. We got down here in travel with barely any glitches. We only had one hold up and that was temporary and easily sorted out. Our luggage all arrive, and with us too! So, I am on a team of 23 people. 3 leaders: Will and Erika Strickland and Kevin Looper. They have done a great job at leading a very varied team. Alliteration? Yes.
We are staying at a boys home home for previous street kids. Mariano, our contact and translator is super great and we felt welcomed right off the bat. They have been SO incredible at hosting us. Attending to our every whim, actually! For example, we had an incident with a scorpion at which Jayeon (my lovely south korean cutie) does not have a good impression of. Nubia (noovia= Mariano's mother and the main worker here at the house) came into our room and shook out all of our bedding and clothing to make sure there were no more scorpions for us! So gracious and so kind. They have cooked all of our delicious meals and cleaned and been so amazing. For example, this is some of the delicious food I get to eat!

Anyways, we have spent our last many days having a lot of fun, and loving on a lot of people. Our first night we simply spent relaxing at the boys home. After a red-eye flight and long layovers and no sleep in the airport, we were all very exhausted. I love it here though. It really does remind me of my time in Belize in Feb 2010 with Project Serve and Youth For Christ. Being here makes me miss my little best friend Lindy (but there is a girl Lindy on my team as well, so I guess that void is filled at least in name! She is a sweetie) I really do love it here already and it hasn't even been a whole week. What a great thing to have God just softening my heart towards and entire country. He really does set our hearts on the right things at the right times.
After we did that, our first day was spent simply touring around Masaya. We went to an old prison/castle where prisoners of war were kept. Nicaragua has been a very war-torn country and has only really been peaceful over the last couple of years. So we visited that,. It was weird to be in the exact same place where so many people had been tortured. So this (below) is a picture of the view from there. Pretty. Also, there is a volcano in the background. COOOOL, hey? Ps: they, in america, would say "coooooool, huh?" Blegh. When it rains, it rains acid rain because of the volcano. We also took a walk through the streets of Masaya.

We have spent time with the boys at the home. We have also done a couple of kids ministry days. I am the one in charge of kids ministry along with my buddy Nate. We do little fun skits, puppets, games, share testimonies with them, and simply love on them with God's love the best we can without knowing their language. I am already picking up Spanish. There are a few people on our team who are helping us to learn more quickly.
Pretty sunset view across a lake on our Masaya walk |
We have worked with lots of ninyos (kids). And it is a lot of fun. I love to hug kids. I have realized that my favourite thing is taking a child who is in tears and making them have a broad smile on their face! Best feeling in the world. SO nice to be able to share Christ with these kids, even without words!!
Volcano Swimming |
We also swam in volcano water! So it was nice and hot water. Lots of fun bonding with our team and spending time just loving each other. The work that we have done is rather exhausting.
God is teaching us all a lot about what it means to be humble and to serve others through the strength we can get from Him, not from ourselves. We are open and willing to do whatever He wills from us! God have your way with our team.
worship on outreach |
If you are a "talking to God" type, or even if you are not, please pray that we would have safe travels, no bugs, no sickness, and just a crazy amount of energy to be able to pour our all into all of the ministries we are invested into.
Anyways, I will write more on our adventures later. Feliz Navidad (MERRY CHRISTMAS) to all of you back home or anyone following. I love you all a lot. We are having a great time. God is great.
Cheers. I love you all. I miss youz (well, most of you)
Just joking around. God bless you all in this Christmas Season. I am excited to spend next Christmas with you, or so I hope.
Adios! Hasta Luego!